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Los Contratos por diferencia («CFD») son instrumentos complejos que comportan un riesgo elevado de pérdidas rápidas debido al apalancamiento. El 74,2% de las cuentas de inversores particulares pierde dinero al operar CFD con este proveedor. Debe considerar si comprende el funcionamiento de los CFD y si puede permitirse asumir un riesgo elevado de perder su dinero.


Traders' Clinic


Traders' Clinic Podcast

Learn how to master your traders' mindset with Charlie Burton and Ali Crooks, professional traders with over 40 years of trading experience.  

Gain valuable insights on how to overcome common mistakes and gain a better understanding of the markets and finance. 

Gain your knowledge through their true stories and insights, from overtrading and fear of losing a profit to psychological blocks and fluctuations in mood.

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