Trading CFDs carries a considerable risk of capital loss. Please trade wisely.
Up to
50% bonus
VIP Mentorship
Advanced Class
Dedicated relationship
account manager
Basic | |
Deposit required | $200 |
Higher bonus level Bonus percentage (%) based on the amount you deposit. | 20% |
Relationship Account Manager Providing dedicated and general support throughout the trading journey to ensure clients have a smooth and unique trading experience. | |
Reactive strategy Tailored analysis based on clients trading activities to manage risk via built-in tools. | |
Trading Central analysis | |
VIP Mentorship | |
Daily Market Update | |
Advanced Class | |
Sunday Head Start |
Silver |
$300 | |
30% | |
$500 | |
40% | |
$1,000 | |
50% | |
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Be part of the MarketsClub to claim your rewards!
The amount of deposit will decide the MarketsClub tier you're in.
Contact our live support agent to claim rewards
This program is open to clients who successfully registered for a trading account and have satisfied all KYC, AML and other requirements for registration under the Finalto (South Africa) Pty Limited and Finalto (BVI) Limited.
Joining our club is quick and easy. Here's how:
You can check your current tier by getting in touch with our support team.
Access live chat by clicking on the icon located at the bottom right corner on our website or go to Account > Support > Live Chat on our app.
To claim your rewards, simply contact our support team.
Access live chat by clicking on the icon located at the bottom right corner on our website or go to Account > Support > Live Chat on our app.
There’s a limit to how much theory can teach you. That’s why we’ve hand-picked you an experienced relationship account manager who can assist you through your trading journey.
Our account managers will contact you after you’ve joined the markets club. They are here to help!
Advanced Class is professional trader course exclusive to marketsClub members only. Meanwhile, VIP mentorship is open to all our community.
To participate Advanced Class:
Register an account > Make sufficient deposit > Contact our Customer Support to join marketsClub > Approval and enjoy our Advanced Class!
To participate VIP Mentorship:
Click the link VIP Mentorship and check out our latest webinar.
Trader & Company funds
are segregated
Regulated by the FSCA (Financial Sector Conduct Authority) and own an ODP license (over-the-counter derivatives)
Complaint with data
security standards