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Commodities Profit Calculator

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What is a Commodities Profit Calculator?

A Commodity Profit Calculator is a tool that helps traders and investors in the commodity market to calculate their potential profits or losses based on various input parameters. The calculator can provide an estimate of the profit or loss that would be realized if the commodity were bought and sold at the current market price. Commodity Profit Calculators can be a useful tool for traders and investors to make informed decisions about buying or selling commodities. offers a commodities calculator right on the platform to help traders make more informed decisions as they trade.

Calculate your Commodities profit

Calculate your hypothetical required margin for a Commodities position, if you had opened it now.


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Amount must be equal or higher than

Amount should be less than

Amount should be a multiple of the minimum lots increment

USD Down



Conversion Fee


Overnight Swaps





"displayed in symbol currency"


"displayed in account currency"

Current conversion price:

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Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

A simple and informational chart on how does a commodities profit calculator work

How Does a Commodities Profit Calculator Work?

A Commodity Profit Calculator works by taking into account various input parameters such as the current market price, quantity, and transaction fees. The calculator calculates the estimated revenue generated by selling the commodity and subtracts the total cost of the transaction, including any associated fees, to arrive at the estimated profit or loss. The calculated value helps traders and investors in making informed decisions about buying or selling commodities. By providing quick and accurate profit/loss estimates, Commodity Profit Calculators can be an essential tool in managing the risks associated with commodity trading.

The commodity calculator makes the complex task of risk management much more digestible and so traders are advised to use it before they decide to put their capital at risk.

A person in a meeting holding a laptop showing a graph of different commodities. Traders Trend showing Bearish in 2.6% and Bullish in 97.4%.

How to Calculate Profit and Loss in Commodity Trading?

Calculating profit and loss in commodity trading requires knowing the price at which you bought and sold the commodity, as well as any associated costs such as commissions and fees. To calculate profit, subtract the total cost of purchasing the commodity from the total revenue received from selling it. To calculate loss, subtract the total revenue received from selling the commodity from the total cost of purchasing it.

However, you don't need to do these calculations manually as online brokers like offer a commodity calculator that does the job for you. You simply need to input the necessary information, and the calculator will provide you with the estimated profit or loss amount. This makes the process simple and convenient, allowing you to focus on making informed trading decisions.

A person holding a phone on one hand showing different types of commodities on a cellphone app.

P/L Calculation example

You bought 200 barrels of Crude Oil position at the price of 79.08. You closed the same position within the same day at the price of 80.97. Your settled P/L is 372 USD.

15:02:01 79.05 79.08
17:55:46 80.94 80.97

P/L is calculated with the following formula: ((exit price-entry price)*quantity) + fees & charges

Simple P/L calculation example that can be used in various commodities.


In conclusion, commodity trading can be a complex and risky business, but with the help of a Commodity Profit Calculator, traders and investors can make informed decisions and manage their risks. The calculator provides quick and accurate profit/loss estimates, taking into account various input parameters such as the current market price, quantity, and transaction fees.

The commodity calculator is an example of such a tool, and it can make the task of risk management much more digestible. By using a Commodity Profit Calculator, traders can focus on making informed decisions, without having to worry about the complexities and inaccuracies of manual calculations.

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What is best practice when trading CFDs on Commodities?


While profit is always a possibility when trading there is also a very real risk of incurring losses. Rather than focusing on quick and easy profits, traders should concentrate on risk management and discipline if they want to recieve steady and consistant favourable trades. There is no guarantee of profit when trading CFDs of any kind and it is important to conduct a high level of due dilligence before making financial decisions.

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